"I Want To Be a Filmaker" challenges young people to tell a story using technology, science and art. Students work with digital cameras and learn the fundamentals of directing films. Hands-on classes are instructed in directing, writing, editing, cinematography, and production. Each student writes, directs and edits his or her own short film of up to three minutes and fulfills basic crew positions on his or her classmates' films. Students shoot on digital video cameras and learn how to compose, direct, and light for quality images and edit using digital editing software.

Directing is the art of visual storytelling. Through hands-on demonstrations, the students will learn how camera movement, visual arrangement, and editing patterns not only depict the action but also express the underlying drama. Each student directs a series of films in crews of four. Students also rotate in these crews among the principal film crew positions. Crews are required to meet each week with the directing instructor to review scripts and shooting plans.
WRITING with Technology

Students will learn to take a story from initial idea, through treatment and step outline, to a finished script for their final film. Students will use technology to write collaboratively about story structure, theme, character, tension, and conflict as they are used in filmmaking.

Students learn proper loading, operation, and maintenance of the camera. In the first week students will shoot and screen tests for focus, exposure, lens perspective, film latitude, slow/fast motion, and contrast. Students will learn to edit their films with digital editing software. The class will cover both the technical aspects of the editing process, as well as the science theory behind editing choices and styles. Students will be introduced to the language and practice of filmmaking. They will discuss shooting plans for their film projects and screen their work with their instructor throughout the course.